from functools import lru_cache from smtplib import SMTP, SMTPServerDisconnected from socket import error as SocketError from socket import gethostname from typing import Optional, Tuple from dns.exception import Timeout from dns.rdatatype import MX as rdtype_mx from dns.rdtypes.ANY.MX import MX from dns.resolver import ( NXDOMAIN, YXDOMAIN, Answer, NoAnswer, NoNameservers, query) from idna.core import IDNAError, encode from .constants import EMAIL_EXTRACT_HOST_REGEX, HOST_REGEX from .exceptions import ( AddressFormatError, AddressNotDeliverableError, DNSConfigurationError, DNSTimeoutError, DomainNotFoundError, NoMXError, NoNameserverError, NoValidMXError) @lru_cache(maxsize=10) def _dissect_email(email_address: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: 'Return a tuple of the user and domain part.' try: domain =[1] except TypeError: raise AddressFormatError except IndexError: raise AddressFormatError return email_address[:-(len(domain) + 1)], domain @lru_cache(maxsize=10) def _get_idna_address(email_address: str) -> str: 'Return an IDNA converted email address.' user, domain = _dissect_email(email_address=email_address) idna_resolved_domain = encode(s=domain).decode('ascii') return f'{user}@{idna_resolved_domain}' def _get_mx_records(domain: str, timeout: int) -> list: """ Return a list of hostnames in the MX record, raise an exception on any issues. """ try: records = query( qname=domain, rdtype=rdtype_mx, lifetime=timeout) # type: Answer except NXDOMAIN: raise DomainNotFoundError except NoNameservers: raise NoNameserverError except Timeout: raise DNSTimeoutError except YXDOMAIN: raise DNSConfigurationError except NoAnswer: raise NoMXError to_check = dict() for record in records: # type: MX dns_str = # type: str to_check[dns_str] = dns_str[:-1] if dns_str.endswith('.') else dns_str result = [k for k, v in to_check.items() if] if not len(result): raise NoValidMXError return result def _check_mx_records( mx_records: list, smtp_timeout: int, helo_host: str, from_address: str, email_address: str ) -> Optional[bool]: 'Check the mx records for a given email address.' smtp = SMTP(timeout=smtp_timeout) smtp.set_debuglevel(debuglevel=0) error_messages = [] found_ambigious = False for mx_record in mx_records: try: smtp.connect(host=mx_record) smtp.helo(name=helo_host) smtp.mail(sender=from_address) code, message = smtp.rcpt(recip=email_address) smtp.quit() except SMTPServerDisconnected: found_ambigious = True continue except SocketError as error: error_messages.append(f'{mx_record}: {error}') continue if code == 250: return True elif 400 <= code <= 499: # Ambigious return code, can be graylist, temporary # problems, quota or mailsystem error found_ambigious = True else: message = message.decode(errors='ignore') error_messages.append(f'{mx_record}: {code} {message}') # If any of the mx servers behaved ambigious, return None, otherwise raise # an exceptin containing the collected error messages. if found_ambigious: return None else: raise AddressNotDeliverableError(error_messages) def mx_check( email_address: str, from_address: Optional[str] = None, helo_host: Optional[str] = None, smtp_timeout: int = 10, dns_timeout: int = 10 ) -> Optional[bool]: """ Return `True` if the host responds with a deliverable response code, `False` if not-deliverable. Also, return `None` if there if couldn't provide a conclusive result (e.g. temporary errors or graylisting). """ host = helo_host or gethostname() idna_from = _get_idna_address(email_address=from_address or email_address) try: idna_to = _get_idna_address(email_address=email_address) except IDNAError: raise AddressFormatError _user, domain = _dissect_email(email_address=email_address) mx_records = _get_mx_records(domain=domain, timeout=dns_timeout) return _check_mx_records( mx_records=mx_records, smtp_timeout=smtp_timeout, helo_host=host, from_address=idna_from, email_address=idna_to)