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# All we are really doing is comparing the input string to one
# gigantic regular expression. But building that regexp, and
# ensuring its correctness, is made much easier by assembling it
# from the "tokens" defined by the RFC. Each of these tokens is
# tested in the accompanying unit test file.
# The section of RFC 2822 from which each pattern component is
# derived is given in an accompanying comment.
# (To make things simple, every string below is given as 'raw',
# even when it's not strictly necessary. This way we don't forget
# when it is necessary.)
import re
WSP = r'[\s]' # see 2.2.2. Structured Header Field Bodies
CRLF = r'(?:\r\n)' # see 2.2.3. Long Header Fields
NO_WS_CTL = r'\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0f-\x1f\x7f' # see 3.2.1. Primitive Tokens
QUOTED_PAIR = r'(?:\\.)' # see 3.2.2. Quoted characters
FWS = r'(?:(?:' + WSP + r'*' + CRLF + r')?' + \
WSP + r'+)' # see 3.2.3. Folding white space and comments
CTEXT = r'[' + NO_WS_CTL + \
r'\x21-\x27\x2a-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]' # see 3.2.3
CCONTENT = r'(?:' + CTEXT + r'|' + \
QUOTED_PAIR + r')' # see 3.2.3 (NB: The RFC includes COMMENT here
# as well, but that would be circular.)
COMMENT = r'\((?:' + FWS + r'?' + CCONTENT + \
r')*' + FWS + r'?\)' # see 3.2.3
CFWS = r'(?:' + FWS + r'?' + COMMENT + ')*(?:' + \
FWS + '?' + COMMENT + '|' + FWS + ')' # see 3.2.3
ATEXT = r'[\w!#$%&\'\*\+\-/=\?\^`\{\|\}~]' # see 3.2.4. Atom
ATOM = CFWS + r'?' + ATEXT + r'+' + CFWS + r'?' # see 3.2.4
DOT_ATOM_TEXT = ATEXT + r'+(?:\.' + ATEXT + r'+)*' # see 3.2.4
DOT_ATOM = CFWS + r'?' + DOT_ATOM_TEXT + CFWS + r'?' # see 3.2.4
QTEXT = r'[' + NO_WS_CTL + \
r'\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]' # see 3.2.5. Quoted strings
QCONTENT = r'(?:' + QTEXT + r'|' + \
QUOTED_PAIR + r')' # see 3.2.5
QUOTED_STRING = CFWS + r'?' + r'"(?:' + FWS + \
r'?' + QCONTENT + r')*' + FWS + \
r'?' + r'"' + CFWS + r'?'
LOCAL_PART = r'(?:' + DOT_ATOM + r'|' + \
QUOTED_STRING + r')' # see 3.4.1. Addr-spec specification
DTEXT = r'[' + NO_WS_CTL + r'\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e]' # see 3.4.1
DCONTENT = r'(?:' + DTEXT + r'|' + \
QUOTED_PAIR + r')' # see 3.4.1
DOMAIN_LITERAL = CFWS + r'?' + r'\[' + \
r'(?:' + FWS + r'?' + DCONTENT + \
r')*' + FWS + r'?\]' + CFWS + r'?' # see 3.4.1
DOMAIN = r'(?:' + DOT_ATOM + r'|' + \
DOMAIN_LITERAL + r')' # see 3.4.1
ADDR_SPEC = LOCAL_PART + r'@' + DOMAIN # see 3.4.1
def email_has_valid_structure(email_address):
if re.match(VALID_ADDRESS_REGEXP, email_address):
return True
return False