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Xapian-Haystack -- A backend for Django-Haystack
xapian-haystack is a backend for use with the Django Haystack search API and the Xapian search engine.
* More information on Haystack can be found here: `haystackserach.org <http://haystacksearch.org/>`_.
* More information on Xapian can be found here: `xapian.org <http://xapian.org>`_.
- Python 2.4 (May work with 2.3, but untested)
- Django 1.0.x
- Django-Haystack 1.0
- Xapian 1.0.13+ (May work with earlier versions, but untested)
- mod_wsgi 1.3.X
- Due to an issue with mod_python possibly causing deadlocks with Xapian (`issue #364 <http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/364>`_), when Python is not invoked through the "main interpreter", mod_python is not supported with xapian-haystack. It may work, with some tweaking, but your mileage will vary.
- Because Xapian does not support simultaneous ``WritableDatabase`` connections, it is *strongly* recommended that users take care when using ``RealTimeSearchIndex`` to either set ``WSGIDaemonProcess processes=1`` or use some other way of ensuring that there are not multiple attempts to write to the indexes. Alternatively, use ``SearchIndex`` and a cronjob to reindex content at set time intervals (sample cronjob can be found `here <http://gist.github.com/216247>_`) or derive your own ``SearchIndex`` to implement some other form of keeping your indexes up to date.
#. Copy or symlink ``xapian_backend.py`` into ``haystack/backends/`` or install it by running one of the following commands:
``python setup.py install``
``pip install xapian-haystack``
``easy_install xapian-haystack``
#. Add ``HAYSTACK_XAPIAN_PATH`` to ``settings.py``
#. Set ``HAYSTACK_SEARCH_ENGINE`` to ``xapian``
The easiest way to test xapian-haystack is to symlink or copy the ``xapian_haystack/tests`` folder into the haystack/tests folder so that your source tree resembles this layout::
| |
| +---backends
| |
| +---solr_backend.py
| +---whoosh_backend.py
| +---xapian_backend.py
Once this is done, the tests can be executed in a similar fashion as the rest of the Haystack test-suite::
django-admin.py test xapian_tests --settings=xapian_settings
The latest source code can always be found here: `github.com/notanumber/xapian-haystack <http://github.com/notanumber/xapian-haystack/>`_
xapian-haystack is maintained by `David Sauve <mailto:dsauve@trapeze.com>`_, and is funded by `Trapeze <http://www.trapeze.com>`_.
xapian-haystack is Copyright (c) 2009-2010 David Sauve, Trapeze. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
Questions, Comments, Concerns:
Feel free to open an issue here: `github.com/notanumber/xapian-haystack/issues <http://github.com/notanumber/xapian-haystack/issues>`_
Alternatively, ask questions on the django-haystack `mailing list <http://groups.google.com/group/django-haystack/>`_ or `irc channel <irc://irc.freenode.net/haystack>`_.